Friday, April 29, 2011

What are some of your favorite scents?

That is a great question. Scent is such an under rated sense, but is very important to things like memories. I'm sensitive to most perfumes so most of the scents that I love and wear are natural or food scents. I love the smell of Cinnamon because it reminds me of Christmas. I love pumpkin spice because it reminds me of the fall which is my favorite time of year. I love the smell of roses, vanilla, stargazer lilies (my favorite flower), pipe tobacco, bonfires, and that fresh laundry smell when stuff just come out of the dryer!

Ask me anything

1 comment:

  1. lol oddly petrol is a nice smell

    and obviously rubber,leather,latex

    all very nice

    i hate the smell of alchohol but i do love food smells

    oh and very wierdly i love people's individual smells i'm not talking about purfumes and such but more like a dog would smell you and smell good and bad BO and pheromones and allsorts of scents that make your scent original :P
