Thursday, February 16, 2012

What's the most difficult fetish shoot you've had to do?

The most difficult shoot I've ever had to do was this one for Underwater Bathtub Girls.

It was a video shoot (with photos taken in between obviously) where I had to be underwater for several minutes at a time, facing up, eyes and mouth open. I could only come up for breath every few minutes, but could not come up gasping for air like your body wants to. I had to come up (eyes still open) and take one "sensual" breath and go back under. Another difficult aspect was that I was facing up which caused water to get all up in My sinuses which is not only uncomfortable but makes your brain feel like you're drowning so you want to come up for air more (which I couldn't do). All of this while trying to look sexy and like you're having a good time! lol

All in all it was an interesting experience and I'm glad I did it. Hell, I'll probably even do it again! ;)