Monday, December 5, 2011

What people think of the Rev! (I can't make this stuff up)

"Dear Reverend,
I will send you the pictures in the next two E-Mails but, I wanted to take the time to thank you here. The pictures that I took of you are amazing. You knew EXACTLY what I wanted to capture. Please take no offense but, you are a leg fetish QUEEN. Every picture came out perfectly. You are a delight to work with and you are amazingly beautiful. Your skin is like alabaster and your expressions are evocative of another era in the most delightful way. I am glad that we shot at the Museum Center because the environment was perfect for your look.  The shape, form, and size of your legs is perfect. You clearly understand the leg fetish world and you posed in a way that captured your loveliness in a remarkable way. You are very kind and easy to work with. You are professional beyond my wildest dreams. Your attention to detail in your outfit was beyond reproach. Our shoot was very appropriate but, it was also a lot of fun. I enjoyed every moment of our time together. You were born for the Pin-up/Fetish lover's dreams. You have a wonderful personality and you made my job so easy and fun. I hope that you enjoyed our time together too.
I would love to shoot with you again in the future. I ask you this with the greatest admiration and respect. 

Thank you again. You are a wonderful model.


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